July 12, 2021
Calcium Carbonate Masterbatch and Calcium Carbonate Powder in Vietnam

CaCO3 occupies more than 4% of the earth’s crust, and it can be found the most in Quy Hop, Nghe An Province. The most common powdered forms of calcium carbonate are chalk, limestone, and marble, which are made up of corals, shellfish, and snail shells that have undergone a precipitation process over millions of years. Although chemically different, the three forms are similar, but they are different in many respects, including purity, thickness, whiteness, and uniformity. Therefore, calcium carbonate masterbatch is considered one of the most useful materials for humans. Some commonly used applications are in the form of CaCO3 powder, which is used in various industries such as the production of calcium carbonate compounds, or we generally call them CaCO3 compounds.

In the manufacture of plastics, in addition to synthetic resin raw materials, other additives and chemicals such as mineral powder are also necessary for precise proportions. First of all, the main function of CaCo3 powder is to reduce costs, impart new functions and improve performance. On the other hand, polymer prices have doubled in the last two years, which has increased the demand for CaCO3. Therefore, calcium carbonate additives are widely used in plastics manufacturing to change the physical and mechanical properties and hardness of plastics. With modern technology, calcium carbonate and polyolefin are mixed at high temperatures to make filler masterbatch products that are widely used in the plastics industry. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) masterbatch is a component that replaces expensive plastic materials, which can reduce costs and increase product value.

Quy Hop region in Vietnam is home to one of the world’s largest and highest quality Limestone deposits. We ensure an edge for our product within a wide range of applications and markets. To successfully manage our reserve, we have carefully selected a team of dedicated, highly experienced, and committed geologists, utilizing the latest technologies and processes to develop and implement effective mining plans providing the highest quality, cost-effective Limestone feed to our modern and large crushers.

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☎WhatsApp: +84977284858
📧 Email: mario@caco3vietnam.com
🌎Our Website: www.caco3vietnam.com/

Calcium Carbonate Masterbatch and Powder in Vietnam | Wholesale Vietnamese Suppliers Online

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