August 9, 2021

CaCO3, the full scientific name is calcium carbonate, is a very common chemical compound in nature. They are present in the structural material of many organisms (the shell/hard shell of oceanic organisms such as oysters, snails, pearls, snails, eggshells) as well as many geological forms. The most common and well-known source of CaCO3 is limestone ores, a sedimentary rock usually formed near waterfalls or springs. This is also the main source of this plastic additive. In addition, one can also find calcium carbonate in a number of other minerals and rocks such as chalk, marble, or marble.
From what sources are CaCO3 plastic additives?
Most CaCO3 used in industry, especially used as an additive in the plastic industry, is mainly mined from quarries (marble quarries) or rocky mountains (limestone mountains). In addition to exploiting limestone resources in nature, there is another source of calcium carbonate which is an artificial product produced from the reaction of CO2, water, and quicklime (CaO).
Properties of CaCO3 plastic industry additives:
Untreated natural limestone powder is milky to ash-colored, odorless, and comes in three crystalline forms, calcite, aragonite, and vaterite, of which calcite is the most stable polymorph. CaCO3 is an alkaline compound that reacts strongly with acidic solutions to produce CO2. Under high temperatures, calcium carbonate will decompose into calcium oxide, commonly known as lime.
Classification of additives for plastic industry CaCO3:
After being exploited and pre-treated, CaCO3 is divided into 2 types: fine CaCO3 (Ground calcium carbonate – GCC) and precipitated CaCO3 (precipitated calcium carbonate – PCC). On the market today, fine CaCO3 GCC is the most important filler being used in many industries, especially they are the most important additive compound in the plastic industry. Fine CaCO3 is produced by crushing raw limestone into powder particles, which are then classified according to their size.
Meanwhile, PCC precipitated CaCO3 is often used as an additive to strengthen reinforce fillers as well as adjust impact. The production process of this type of CaCO3 is much more complicated than the production of fine CaCO3, including 3 main steps: calcification of raw materials under high temperature (1000oC), then quicklime will be hydrated into milk lime. Finally, milk lime will be carbonized by conduction through CO2 and filtration combining with drying to produce the final product, CaCO3 which is precipitated in dry form.
What role does limestone powder play when used as a plastic additive?
– CaCO3 has a natural whiteness, so plastic products using CaCO3 fillers will achieve high whiteness without using bleaching, whitening, or other coloring agents. This saves a lot of money for the manufacturer
– CaCO3 is a mineral source with abundant reserves in nature, easy to exploit and process, so their price is very cheap. Manufacturers can use calcium carbonate in large quantities without worrying about the cost
– Mixing limestone powder into primary plastic will not change the specific properties of primary plastic, so using them to replace a part of input materials in the production of plastic products will help manufacturers save money. Save a lot of money
– Besides, CaCO3 has good heat resistance, curvature texture, size suitable for many types of plastic.
– Environmentally friendly, can prevent evaporation and lower the temperature in the production plant
– CaCO3 helps to increase the hardness and glossiness of the product’s surface, helps manufacturers to print more beautiful and diverse packaging and designs.
– Can be used in combination with other plastic and color additives.

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