As an inorganic functional filler, Vietnam calcium carbonate is widely used in all fields, but various industries have different requirements for the performance indicators of calcium carbonate from Vietnam. Vietnam calcium carbonate is mainly used in tires, wires, cables, rubber products in the rubber industry, etc., which can…

As an inorganic functional filler, Vietnam calcium carbonate is widely used in all fields, but various industries have different requirements for the performance indicators of calcium carbonate from Vietnam. In terms of plastic processing and manufacturing, ordinary Vietnam calcium carbonate products can only be used as general fillers,…

Vietnam Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a common substance found in rocks as theminerals calcite and aragonite (most notably as limestone) and is the main component of pearls and the shells of marine organisms, snails, and eggs. Vientam Calcium carbonate is…

HDPE pipe industries are always trying toreduce the production costs. An alternative couldbe the use of inorganic fillers. Composites ofpolyethylene/calcium carbonate are currentlyvery popular. It is confirmed that the calcium carbonate in Vietnam can improve preparation and mechani-cal properties effectively with of reduction in theproduction cost (in terms…